miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Analysis on our first day of presence on the Internet

During our first day of live, the analysis we got is:
  1. Twitter: 61 followers
  2. Facebook: 69 fans
  3. Website Traffic: 871 views in the first 45 minutes. 2352 visits in the first day.
  4. The most popular post is: Loving Apple, with 85 single visits.
  5. The second more popular post is (by now): Reputation, Trust and Performance, with 56 visits.
  6. Poll: 45 people have answered. Click here to view the most voted answer
  7. Most Tweeted article: Loving Apple with 5 tweets.

Applecalyptic is...

Loving Apple

Do you know that Apple is one of the four lovemarks more famous in the world? Why?
  • Make a change: pass from a rational decision of buying a brand onto a passionate and irrational decision to be loyal to that brand
  • The relationship passed from a rational “I buy it because I obtain this” to an “I buy it because I love it”.
Want more?
enter Applecalyptic´s website

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010


After weeks preparing the design, logo, articles, information, polls, etc. Here's the so expected website! hope you like it!

This week in Applecalyptic

The website it's almost done, we're just finishing the last details!
It's divided in:

  • History
  • MAC vs PC
  • Marketing
  • Networking
  • Products
  • Contact Us
The site it's not just another one about Apple... Applecalyptic is directed to show why Apple is so recognized and loved by his fans

You can contact us in:


Great Apple's promotional campaign comparing Mac and PC

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Apple's Marketing: a machine of news

Did you know that Apple gets more technology headlines than any other tech company?
It's not so far away the time when Apple was in danger of going out of business, and now they're the second largest company in the world. 
The most amazing element of all this is how Microsoft, formerly the world's largest technology company, has not only lost marketshare but also mindshare.  While Apple garnishes 12% of all tech news stories, Microsoft is only at 3%.  So while Apple owns about 10% product share vs Microsoft, Apple owns 4 times more marketing share than Microsoft.  Divide those ratios and it says that Apple is 40 times more efficient a marketing machine than Microsoft.  And of course when people buzz about you (good or bad) your stock rises.  (Literally: Apple's stock is up about 40x what it was before the iPod launched)

So next time you wonder what coupling great design with great marketing can do for a company, just look towards Apple.

summary of MarketingApple