miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Why People Love Apple

People like new things.

* You're happy at the start of relationships.
* You're happy on the first day of your new car.
* You're happy when you travel for the first time.
* You're happy when you meet somebody new for the first time.

Happiness soon fades as the novelty disappears.

You + Brain

Researchers say dopamine (the happy juices in our brain) rises when we experience something new.

The first time you bought something new:
But then, as the days went, the happy juices faded, we went back to our old selves, and looked for something new and novel to release those happy chemicals.

Why Do People Love Apple?

Apple attracts peeps by repeatedly producing new innovations that surprise the freak out of us -- releasing our dopamine happy juices, and attracting us to the company with every new/pending innovation.

Without Apple's endless stream of bringing us something completely novel that revolutionizes how we see a product category, we'd focus on other innovative companies that can supply the happy juices for our brains.

* To make your customers happy forever, provide them something new forever.

You don't need to revolutionize X like Apple, but constantly innovating and providing new things for your customers over an eternal period will keep their eyes on you.

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